15 March 2008

Destination Tourism

ImageBukit Tigapuluh National Park. This national park is about 144,223 Ha big. With ecosystem of the low land tropical rainforest, this area is a shift from the swampy forest to the mountainous forest. There is a unique ecosystem that is different from the other national park in Indonesia. Bukit Tigapuluh hilly areas are spread out from Bukit Barisan located at the border of Jambi and Riau Province. This area is also a catchment area and has small rivers and also big rivers throughout the area. There are a few types of animals found in this national park. Among them are Sumatra Tigers, honey bear, tapir, monkey, dears, wild boar, birds and other wild animals. Muka Rimau Mushroom is also endemic in this area. Apart from being a habitats for various flora and fauna and also being protected, this area is also a place whereby various community of people that are isolated. For example like Talang Mamak, Anak Rimba, and Melayu Tua. This is definitely interesting place to visit.

Talang Mamak indigenous people
. One of the indigenous group that is still surviving and growing is the Talang Mamak indigenous people. There are homes in the district of Seberida and Pasir Penyu with relatively small population. They survive from what the forest can offer. They also catch fish. They have strong beliefs and are very traditional. Some of the objects that can be seen are Baju Bersyahadat, Perantas sword, symbol of strength of the indigenous people in the Talang Durian Cacar district. The Talang Mamak indigenous cemetery has tomb stone made of wood and arranged in the shape of a roof. There is huge tourist potential for its culture in Sibarida district and Kelayang district that has yet to expand.

Raja Lake. This area is used as a centre for Malay art of Indragiri and also an entertainment place for the community. There is also a competition of Miss and Mr. Indragiri that is held every year. There is also traditional sport of kayak race (Pacu Sampan). This place is located in the Rengat district and potential to expand is there. In addition there is also the Menduyan lake in Kota Lama village and Hulu Lake in Danau Baru Village.

Menduyan Lake. It is one of interesting tourism objects visited to relax and for picnic with families, by reason of its natural scenery beauty. This location of this lake is still in one area with the Cultural Preservation Site, Indragiri Kings Graveyard Compound, to be exact in Koto Lama area, situated 17 km from Rengat city.

Waterfall. There are beautiful waterfalls available in a few districts. For example Sungai Arang waterfall in Arang Village, Puntianai waterfall in Puntianai Village, Penjangki waterfall in Penjangki village, Nunusan waterfall in Sanglep, Siamang waterfall, Buyung, Pintu Tujuh and Tembulun in Rantau Langsat village and lastly Bukit Lancang waterfall in Tualang Lakat village.

Situs Cagar Budaya. It is a complex for Kings tomb that are located in various places. There are cemeteries for the descendents of the king of Indragiri/Mohom Saleh in Tambak, Cemetery for King Indragiri/Narasinga II in Kota Lama village, Japura King tomb and Datuk Bendahara idah Hitam tomb in Japura village and also princes tomb in Peranap.

High House is located in Rengat district. This house from this kingdom was left by the Indragiri kingdom located in Rengat, capital of Indragiri Hulu regency. Today it looks ordinary and the collection left behind from this kingdom is found there.

Putri Junjung Buih Park. It is situated in Rengat city. Its location is easily reaced because it exactly situated on the side of highway in one of the corners in Rengat city. In this park visitors can relax enjoying the beautiful natural scenery, while the kids can play as much as they can in the park neatly structured, clean and artistic.***


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